Big Horn Sheep

Let's talk...

It all starts with a conversation, one human being to another.

We'll talk about:

  • where you are in your journey
  • where you would like to go
  • what you do and how you do it
  • how we can help with your vision and goals
  • what we can do... and what we can't do

Then we provide you with clarity about your professional and personal goals and an overarching vision for getting your expertise to your target audience.

After our conversation you will receive a detailed complimentary proposal.

Then we can decide if it will work for us to walk together.

Duration: 2 hours

After the conversation...

We are flexible and willing to provide you with what you need, as you need it. The proposal you receive following the complimentary consultation will include:

  • an overview including long, medium and short term goals
  • ideas about marketing and how to reach those who would benefit from you work
  • suggested materials, courses, workshops, strategies all tied to your mission
  • a combination of process, learning experience and modality for learning materials and courses
  • a detailed project plan including tasks a time to completion
  • level of effort and pricing

You may use the proposal to work with us or take the ideas and work with them in a way that suits you best. The point is to help you help others, whatever way you feel is best for you.

Purple Sunset
Kid with face of shock

...and money.

We have to talk about money. Let's keep the main goal in mind:

Helping you to reach your clients by co-creating affordable and easily accessible online courses and retreats.

When does a person get mental health and wellness services?

After everything else has been paid for. This means access to disposable income. We've worked minimum wage jobs and there's isn't enough for food and rent, let alone health care and mental health and wellness services. Your business depends on the client and we depend on you.

We'll talk about payment options that will allow us to work together.

Schedule our talk...

Use the link below to let us know when you're available.

Please provide:

  • Your name
  • Phone number
  • Preferred method of contact
  • How you hope we can help you

We look forward to talking!

Click to schedule our talk

Young woman by window holding coffee